Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Essay on Human Trafficking Modern Day Slavery - 1036 Words

â€Å"Trafficking† refers to illegal trade, an over-used word by the media that can be daintily attached to drugs, weapons, and humans. We hear the term so often; one can easily be desensitized to its context. Nicholas Kistof of the New York Times states, â€Å"Human trafficking is a convoluted euphemism.† He goes right to the heart of the matter and refers to it as modern human slavery. Human slavery is raw, honest and sadly much more prevalent than we would like to believe. Every year an estimated 800,000 people are transported across international boundaries for the purpose of human slavery. In the United States alone it is estimated that 100,000 children each year are part of the sex trade. According to the US Department of State in†¦show more content†¦In countries where a cast system is still activity respected, it is not uncommon for a farmer to sell off his daughter in order to support his impoverished family. Ruchira Gupta, a journalist, discovered how often this happens by accident while visiting the hills of Nepal in 1994. She remembers, â€Å"Many villages in the hills had no women between the ages of 15 and 45.† After nine months of research and countless obstacles from politicians and local mafia she finally had enough information to produce her film The Selling of Innocents. The film went on to win an Emmy in 1997. From there she created the organization Apne Aap (self-help in Hindi) to bring awareness to the women of the world. Her story and others like it finally spurred the government to action and in 2000 the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act was passed in the United States. Many victims are coerced through false promises of free transportation to better places or promises of employment. Going willingly into a lie of a better life and then the victim arrives and finds that they are either physically, financially or emotionally a prisoner. Along with sex trafficking many people are transported and held for slave labor. 80% of victims are women, leaving a surprising 20% of men and boys are also held against their will as well. The selling of children into slavery is sadly a common practice and even culturally accepted in parts of the world like India. Should we leave theseShow MoreRelatedModern Day Slavery: Human Trafficking 866 Words   |  4 PagesBlood Borne Connections.) Human trafficking is the modern day slavery, it involves taking control over a person through force, fraud or coercion to exploit the victim for forced labor, sexual exploitation. or both (â€Å"What† par.1). This is become the sad reality for many, approximately three out of every 1,000 people worldwide are being forced into this such slavery. Victims of human trafficking are people of all backgrounds and ages, no one is safe from the dirty hands of human traffickers. Every yearRead MoreHuman Trafficking : Modern Day Slavery1244 Words   |  5 Pages Human trafficking Around the world human trafficking happens around us without us noticing or realising what is happening. Modern-day slavery exists around the world and it is known today as human trafficking or trafficking in persons. So, what is human trafficking and why don t many people seek for help or go to athoughty ? Well human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year millionsRead MoreHuman Trafficking And The Modern Day Slavery Essay1006 Words   |  5 Pagesfield of criminal justice, and is known as the modern day slavery. This paper will also discuss the globalization in human trafficking. The study examines the impact of economic globalization on the human trafficking inflows around the world. This paper will begin by providing the definition of what human trafficking and globalization is, and how it works within the context of law enforcement. The history of human trafficking and how human trafficking is effecting societies across the world. ThisRead MoreHuman Trafficking And Modern Day Slavery Essay1390 Words   |  6 PagesHuman Trafficking There is an ever growing problem that is coursing the world. Every day 3,287 people are sold or kidnapped, and are forced into slavery. (Human Trafficking Statistics Reports 2012) Most people do not realize that modern-day slavery happens closer to home than they think. 14,000-17,500 is the estimated number of people trafficked into the United States each year. (Human Trafficking Statistics Reports 2012) The government has tried to reduce this problem as well as everyday peopleRead MoreHuman Trafficking : Modern Day Slavery1604 Words   |  7 PagesHuman Trafficking One of the most serious crimes worldwide, human trafficking is the buying, selling, and transportation of people for the use of sexual exploitation, forced labor, or organ removal. â€Å"Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.† (What is human trafficking Homeland) It happens in the United States and foreign countries. Many people do not see it happening, but in fact it is happeningRead MoreHuman Trafficking : Modern Day Slavery1531 Words   |  7 PagesHuman trafficking is modern day slavery that occurs with both genders of all ages. Human trafficking occurs mostly in poorer countries like Asia, and Eastern Europe and isn t solely sexual slavery; the victims can be used for labor purposes also. Organizations like Shared Hope International and Coalition Against Trafficking in Women fight to rescue the victims of human trafficking. These organizations spread the dangers of hum an trafficking through education and public awareness. Often times traffickingRead MoreHuman Trafficking : Modern Day Slavery1228 Words   |  5 Pages Around the world human trafficking happens around us without us noticing or realising what is happening. Modern-day slavery exists around the world and it is known today as human trafficking or trafficking in persons. So, what is human trafficking and why don t many people seek for help or go to athoughty ? Well human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year millions of men and woman andRead MoreHuman Trafficking : A Modern Day Slavery961 Words   |  4 PagesEnglish IV Nov. 23 2015 How to Stop Trafficking Women are not the only ones being sold today. Man are not the only ones selling humans today. All different kinds of humans are being sold in something called human trafficking. Human trafficking has become a problem worldwide and is effecting all people male, female, children, LGBT. There are many solutions, one of them is to educate the children at a younger age. Human trafficking is like a modern day slavery. The people being sold are forced inRead MoreHuman Trafficking : Modern Day Slavery1732 Words   |  7 PagesHaley Gooding Mrs. Gallos English 3 Honors 6 April 2017 Human Trafficking One of the most serious crimes worldwide, human trafficking is the buying, selling, and transportation of people for the use of sexual exploitation, forced labor, or organ removal. â€Å"Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.† (What is human trafficking Homeland) It happens in the United States and foreign countries. Many peopleRead MoreHuman Trafficking : Modern Day Slavery1210 Words   |  5 PagesHuman Trafficking Imagine being able to own a business and make nothing but profit. One of the types of trafficking is Labor Trafficking, which helps keep prices cheaper by having cheap workers. If companies do not have people working in factories for very little then a lot of prices would go up crazy like on clothing and furniture. A lot of countries economy are built off sex trafficking which helps the economy significantly. The ongoing â€Å"phenomenon† of human trafficking is not a problem

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fracking Carbon Dioxide and Natural Gas Free Essays

April 8, 2012 Dear Senator Greg Ball, The current practice of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) began in America in the late 1990‘s and has been wreaking havoc on the land and the lives of the American people since. In case you are unaware, fracking is the process well diggers use to extract natural gas and oil from the earth. They use pressurized mixture of water, sand, and chemicals to form veins (or fractures) in the rock in order for the natural gas or oil to escape. We will write a custom essay sample on Fracking: Carbon Dioxide and Natural Gas or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although this process is an affective way to produce the natural resources from the earth, there are repercussions that are being ignored by the well companies. For instance, there were several private wells in Dimock, Pennsylvania contaminated with methane caused by the fracking done by Cabot Oil and Gas. The people living off these wells were not able to use their water. Although the gas company denied any kind of fault, they compensated the residents financially and built a new pipeline to bring clean water in. In December, 2011 the EPA sent out letters to the residents telling them their water was safe to drink. But in January of 2012 the EPA retracted its position and told the gas company to immediately take care of the problem. Another problem that has developed due to fracking is pollution around the dig sites. Emissions associated with combustion include nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxide, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Another emission problem is the emission produced from the natural gas. Gasses such as methane, ethane and liquid condensate and volatile organic compounds (VOC). VOC’s have been proven to cause birth defects, neurological problems, and cancer. Most recently, in March of 2012, officials in Ohio are blaming the wastewater produced from fracking for a series of recent earthquakes. What my goal would be from you Mr. Ball, is that you would introduce a bill to the senate that would encourage regulation on fracking from the federal level. If the federal government would regulate the way fracking is done in America, it could save many lives and help save the environment. Bad drilling techniques, design and execution are some of the reasons the drilling wreaks so much havoc. This is something that could very easily be regulated by inspections of the wells. I also believe that the number of wells being drilled needs to be regulated. In Pennsylvania alone, there are 3,500 wells. This number is too high. Having that number of wells in such s small area, is inviting problems. If the federal government would make some regulations on how many wells per square mile are aloud, it would cut down of a lot of the damage being done. It may also be possible to regulate how far from civilian dwellings a well should be drilled. If the wells were drilled several miles from any home, the chances of it endangering people and animals would decrease. Mr. Ball I appreciate you taking time to read this letter and listening to my concerns. I am confident that you love this country as much as I do and will try to put an end to hydraulic fracturing as we know it today. Sincerely, How to cite Fracking: Carbon Dioxide and Natural Gas, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

A1 script win213 free essay sample

You work for a medium size wholesale book publisher as the system administrator. This year management has decided, at the last minute, to sell books at its annual book conference. The company as a rule does not sell its books retail, consequently management does not want to purchase an off the shelve retail sales program. Rather, you have been assigned the task of writing a PowerShell text-based program calledLearnName_SalesProgram. ps1 which will do the following. Allow the sales clerk to the following at the console: 1. Enter the book title –data type string. If the user enters a null string, the program should beep and redisplay the needed value 2. Enter a one sentence description of the book — data type string 3. Enter the book’s ID number. Code numbers are alpha-numeric (e. g. ROM482,SCI233,BUS400). If the user enters a numeric value, the program should prompt for alphanumeric 4. Enter the list price of the book with a dollar sign and decimal format –data type decimal 5. We will write a custom essay sample on A1 script win213 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If the user does not enter a numeric value the program should prompt for a numeric value 6. Calculate the harmonized tax rate (HST) of 12% (list price X . 12 = tax payable) – data type constant. Display the tax payable and total purchase price for the book to the customer. (tax + list price = purchase price)- data type decimal 7. Output the above information to a file called BookSalesConference2014. txt in the following 8. Optional: include a running total called â€Å"Total Book Sales:† which is saved to the file 9. The file format should look like the following: ______________________________________ Title of Book: Description: Code Number: List Price: Tax Payable: Purchase Price: _______________________________________ Total Book Sales: (optional) Set-Variable TaxRate -Option Constant -value . 12 if ( (Test-Path . \BookSalesConference2014. txt) -ne â€Å"True† ){ New-Item -Type File . \BookSalesConference2014. txt } Clear-Host [string]$Title = Read-Host â€Å"Book Title† while ( $Title -eq â€Å"† ) { [console]::beep(1000,500) $Title = Read-Host â€Å"Please Enter Book Title Again† } [string]$Description = Read-Host â€Å"Book Description† [string]$CodeNmeber = Read-Host â€Å"Code Number† while ( $CodeNmeber -match â€Å"^\d+$† ) { $CodeNmeber = Read-Host â€Å"The Code Nmubers Are Alpha-numeric. Please Enter Again† } [string]$InputPrice = Read-Host â€Å"List Price â€Å" while ( $InputPrice -notmatch â€Å"^\$[0-9]+(\. [0-9]{0,2})? $† ) { $InputPrice = Read-Host â€Å"The Prices Are Dollar Sign Plus Numeric. Please Enter Again† } [Decimal]$ListPrice=$InputPrice. Remove(0,1) [Decimal]$Tax=$ListPrice * $TaxRate [Decimal]$PurchasePrice=$ListPrice+$Tax Write-Host â€Å"Tax Payable: $† $Tax Write-Host â€Å"Purchase Price: $† $PurchasePrice Write-Output â€Å"________________________________________________________________† . \BookSalesConference2014. txt